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I have a one year paid subscription to Ancestry.com, which is a site used for genealogy research. Every time I go to that site I seem to get an IP warning in the bubble at the lower right of my screen re, which is in the log file. It then takes an inordinate amount of time for Ancestry.com to open on my screen. If I turn off IP blocking I get to Ancestry.com almost immediately. Once I get there, I no longer get the warning, as I change searches, etc., so it seems to be on the 'desired' route between my computer and ancestry.com... or from here in Toronto to Provo, Utah... I'm not certain where the 'nefarious' site is, or what the problem MalwareBytes has with the site.



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This is definately not an F/P. There's absolutely no reason they should be contacting information.com servers;


Given this IP is a parking server, I can see no reason why they should be accessing it.

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This is definately not an F/P. There's absolutely no reason they should be contacting information.com servers;


Given this IP is a parking server, I can see no reason why they should be accessing it.

Checking shows at least 55 different web sites use this same IP address, and at least one of them is genealogy related based on the name of the web site, and it refers to people in Canada, where I am... so this may be the reason my requests flow that way.

Ancestry.com uses geocoding and always tries to get me to sign onto ancestry.ca as well, so that may too be a factor. I do NOT know and cannot control the flow between my computer and Provo, Utah, so how do I get past this massive delay every time I try to go to the web site.

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