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Browser Gurad detected as ad blocker even if blocking is disabled.


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I've found more and more websites that have a pop-up asking me to disable my ad blocker to continue viewing the site. The only problem is, I don't have an ad blocker, and the ad blocking function of Malwarebytes BrowserGuard is disabled globally.

In fact, even if I disable all three functions of Browser Guard for that site, the pop-up still appears, covering much of the screen.

To be clear, I'm not looking for some sort of sneaky undetectable ad blocker. I'm fine with whatever ads they want to show me. I just want to view the web page without uninstalling Browser Guard (I think the malware and scam screening tools are valuable).

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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I'm in the exact same position, even though blocking ads/trackers is disabled when I visit a site it still shows as blocking ads.

Latest example of website telling me to disable ad blocker was on channel4.com on chrome, trying to watch something on demand.
Adding "channel4.com" into the allowed sites list solved this problem but the setting still doesn't work and blocks ads when you don't want them to.

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