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"Google Combolist data breach"

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Just received the notification today:



On 22, July 2024, a Google Combolist data breach may have exposed sensitive information. Use Malwarebytes Digital Footprint Scan to check if you've been affected by this or other data breaches.

Are there any further information available, such as whether it's just an compilation of existing data breaches or rather a wholly new one? Perhaps Troy Hunt needs to be informed of this as well.

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4 minutes ago, rebeccaalleney said:

Just received the notification today:

  • What "notification"?
  • From where did it come from?
  • Who sent it?

There is a lot of misinformation that is spread quickly.  Unless there is an authoritative source, ignore it.

If it is real and Troy Hunt obtains a breach list, HIBP will be updated accordingly and/or Blog about it.

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I received the same pop-up on Google Chrome today.   Clicked on the Malwarebytes pop-up, was taken to the following site:


which resulted in a bare-bones Malwarebytes Beta screen offering to "Scan via email" when I logged in.

This looked suspicious, so I did not proceed.     Please confirm that the pop-up and resulting site are legit.

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That Pop-Up could have been a Push Notification.  The URL could have been for receiving a referral payment.

Always, confirm, verify, corroborate and double-check the information that may be provided or presented to you.  There is so muck fakery and misinformation that you can NOT take it at Face Value.



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