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La Contre-Voie mail server


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We are La Contre-Voie (formerly 42l), a small non-profit association hosting ethical alternatives to the web giants.

We host an email service used by a few hundreds of people, we record approximately ~4000 ingoing and outgoing mails every week.

This morning, we recommended Malwarebytes for one of our members which was seeking for an antivirus… but once installed, Malwarebytes itself flagged us as phishing…

Oddly enough, it seems that the website blocker was triggered for mail.42l.fr even though it is an IMAP (STARTTLS) port.

Anyway, I don’t understand why our mail server got blocked.

We sometimes get some phishing reports from our URL shortener at s.42l.fr − even though we carefully monitor it everyday and have set up a quite big blocklist − and we usually remove the offensive links in less than 24 hours, though I suppose it is not linked since we host this service on a different IP.

Can we please get unblocked?

Thank you,

Neil from La Contre-Voie


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