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Why are these sites being blocked?


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Is there a reason why Malwarebytes is blocking these 2 sites, or is it some mistake and they should be unblocked?

-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: nj-a.thetadata.us
IP Address:
Port: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Type: Outbound
File: System

-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: nj-b.thetadata.us
IP Address:
Port: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Type: Outbound
File: System

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37 minutes ago, dtsolutions said:

Is there a reason why Malwarebytes is blocking these 2 sites, or is it some mistake and they should be unblocked?

-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: nj-a.thetadata.us
IP Address:
Port: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Type: Outbound
File: System

-Website Data-
Category: Trojan
Domain: nj-b.thetadata.us
IP Address:
Port: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Type: Outbound
File: System

Hello- this is a valid IP block based on the following data from VirusTotal: VirusTotal - IP address -

This IPV4 is used as a CnC by DEIMOS. Deimos implant, initially reported in 2020, is a sophisticated form of malware under continuous development. It operates as a remote access tool and employs multiple layers of complex obfuscation and encryption techniques to evade detection. Its advanced defensive measures encompass convincing lure files and digitally signed installation executables, making analysis and identification challenging. Deimos serves for initial access, persistence, and C2 functions, making it a potent tool for various tasks requiring remote access.

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