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Is it possible to track which clickable elements are clicked?


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Due to the use of the MutationObserver, every time a user clicks into or types in a search box which uses typeahead or provides suggestions (or any input controls with similar behavior) the routine to trigger clicks on clickable elements is run. Unfortunately, in the case of some of these elements, such as the OneTrust reject all click, this results in a change of focus away from the input element. So, on a site which uses OneTrust and search suggestions, a user will not be able to use the search on the site without turning off protection. 

Can a change be made to track which elements have been clicked, so that when this routine is triggered again, clicked elements will not be clicked again?  In general, this will have already run for most sites by the time a user clicks into a search box. Even if it hasn't, if this is only triggered on the first attempt to search it would be annoying without breaking the functionality of some sites.


Looking forward to your thoughts,

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Hello @Porthos,

The issue isn't a block in the sense that the search is disabled, or some needed script is blocked. It's a conflict with the behavior of the extension vs the behavior of certain other scripts. In this case all I could screenshot is a search box without focus. Would that be enough for the report, or is there anything more I should include?



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