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Please make submitting a support request more transparent.

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I get on line with a problem and use the chat bot.  It sends me to a tech tip, that essentially says log in and contact support to open a ticket. 

So I login, scroll down, click on contact support, and it pops me to the chat box, but there is no explanation on how using that will open a ticket.  I play the game, again with the chat bot.  I finally type in agent.  I give name, email, and my problem again.  I finally get in the queue. I see the agent pop into the conversation, but rather than acknowledge me, he immediately closes his side of the conversation without explanation.  After about 10 seconds I ask for agent again and it starts through the routine, but this time the chat bot asks a different set of questions leading to a ticket. 

The chat bot asks if there is anything else, and I did have another related issue for the ticket, but apparently the chat bot isn't designed for that.  I play the game again give it the details and all it wants to do is direct me to a technical guide.  I ask the chat bot for an agent, and now it won't put me in the queue, but only give me the same response directing me to a technical guide.  I give up and come here.

This circular do loop approach is frustrating way to access the support I paid for.  Thank God for the helpful people in the forum.  I can explain fully what is going on and it's not some inane chat bot response.  In fact this paid support holding the customer at arms length happened the last time I came to paid support.  Had a ticket requesting help removing a virus.  Two? Four? business days go by (as I recall) with nothing but a few emails and no resolution or active troubleshooting.  Finally I came to the forum and the help was great.  This is so frustrating.  Enough so, that I more than likely look for another product when it is time to renew. 


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