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False positive on CheckDotNetVersion.exe


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We would like to report a false positive in your virus scanner software, which is reported on this page on VirusTotal. The false positive in question is a small executable called CheckDotNetVersion.exe that we use during installation of our products. This executable attempts to find an existing .NET installation on the system, and if successful, runs the command 'dotnet --list-runtimes', and parses that command's output. The executable also dynamically loads kernel32.dll, as part of checking the system's architecture at runtime. The output of this executable is then used by our installer to decide if we need to install the .NET runtime or not.

We're not a Malwarebytes customer so we're not able to provide the required fields as per the required format. If needed we can send the source code so you can inspect the code causing this false positive.


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