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False positive Trojan Risk on Website


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A client of mine has reported over the past few days that customers using Malwarebytes are having issues viewing the site:


. It is getting flagged for having a trojan virus. See the screenshot below.

I believe this is a false positive as we run daily scans using the Sucuri plugin and everything seems clean. 

 Can you remove this or tell us why you are flagging this as a trojan risk?




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17 minutes ago, Bluedevil1918 said:

A client of mine has reported over the past few days that customers using Malwarebytes are having issues viewing the site:


. It is getting flagged for having a trojan virus. See the screenshot below.

I believe this is a false positive as we run daily scans using the Sucuri plugin and everything seems clean. 

 Can you remove this or tell us why you are flagging this as a trojan risk?




Hello- Potential Gootloader threat below, you need to have your servers checked and contact your host for intrusions. We can remove the block once we can see some data indicating those have been checked.


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Hey Malwarebytes Heroes,

We've finished a full review of the hosting account for gethealthyu.com and did not find any of the files you mentioned. Using Browser Guard, the trojan alert still shows intermittently. The vast majority of the time, the only things that it flags are items on the Easylist.

I've spoken with the host, WP Engine, who confirms that there is no malware on the hosting server either. Please review the domain and remove all malware notices for the site.

If there is a timeline for the review process, can you pass that along as well?

Have a happy day,


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