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Should I be worried of infected files on my Mac?

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Today, I clicked what I thought was an email from a hosting service. Right away, my browser acted strangely and opened to Google Workspace. I closed it immediately because the link did not open to the hosting service.

After reviewing the hosting company email, I noticed the reply email looked like a fake return email. 

I ran Malwarebytes several times and no infected files were found. I changed the passwords to my accounts.

A few hours later, on a professional social media account, I got a connection request from someone overseas. They sent me a private message asking if I would like a cheaper version of Google Workplace!

I find this very strange!  Was a hacker responsible for sending that email and link to Google Workspace, and did they send me the connection invite?

Should I be worried about my online security now? 

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From what you describe, it doesn't sound like you need to worry about your computer being infected. Since you didn't give any information to the website that opened when you clicked the link, you don't need to worry too much about your online accounts. Just make sure the passwords you're using are strong, and that you're using some kind of two-factor authentication (such as a code that gets texted to you when you try to log in).

However, clicking a link in a phishing e-mail can identify you to the scammers behind the e-mail, even if you didn't give any information to the phishing site. Such links can have information they can use to connect the visit to the site to your e-mail address. This makes you a target for further scam attempts. You'll need to be on your guard against additional attempts to trick you into giving up money or information. Be sure to look carefully at any e-mails, and even if you think something asking you to log in to one of your accounts is legitimate, don't click the link in the e-mail. Go directly to the site in your browser as you normally would instead.

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Thank you for your response. 

Yesterday the Microsoft Authenticator app sent me a notice of my last name and first initial trying to gain acct to an old employer account. At least it looked that way. In this fake notice ot also sent a request to scan a QCode. Of course I would never do that. But it did bring up my camera. Was that a mistake? Are the two connected?


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