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Please remove writersforum.org from blocking


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I'm the webmaster for writersforum.org.  You have been blocking it for about two weeks now.  A virustotal scan shows no positives.  I run the website through an expensive Sucuri firewall, and the only foreign access is occasionally when tech support has to access the back end of the website or FTP in from Pakistan. Sucuri runs a site scanner every day with no detections.  Please remove it from your block list.

By the way, I added it to the exclusions in my Malwarebytes and it still blocked.

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28 minutes ago, dsimms77 said:

I'm the webmaster for writersforum.org.  You have been blocking it for about two weeks now.  A virustotal scan shows no positives.  I run the website through an expensive Sucuri firewall, and the only foreign access is occasionally when tech support has to access the back end of the website or FTP in from Pakistan. Sucuri runs a site scanner every day with no detections.  Please remove it from your block list.

By the way, I added it to the exclusions in my Malwarebytes and it still blocked.

Valid IP block as said above.

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