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Windows Agent I built was detected as Malware?


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I have modified the Open Source Windows Agent for OCS Inventory to replace the libraries with the latest static versions.  I did this to avoid the CVEs that were reported in previous libraries used to build the Agent.

However, now my builds are detected as 'malware' - how can I determine why this happened?


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3 minutes ago, BrianHerdeg said:

where can I find this?

I believe I found the file and have provided a log for staff on your behalf.

File: 1
Malware.Heuristic.2125, C:\MALWARE TEST NO WD\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A4\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A4\OCSSERVICE.EXE, No Action By User, 1000001, 1246570, 1.0.89039, 00000000000000000000084D, dds, 02994844, 2BC1AC57C9D488CDCB4E653C3A88EA27, F0FB2BF7FECA4CE2464525A4A0259BF289936D49517858EE0CF458825FA6E191



Edited by Porthos
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I found the MBAMSERVICE.LOG for today, and these warnings:

Line 12246: 09/10/24    " 10:25:10.851"    164319812    191c    4d18    WARNING    CleanControllerImpl    mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::RulesWhiteLister::IsObjectWhiteListedEx    "RulesWhiteLister.cpp"    372    "Unexpected MBStatus 9 while attempting to white list 'C:\USERS\BRIAN\DOWNLOADS\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A5-SIGNED(1).ZIP'"

Line 12762: 09/10/24    " 10:27:10.518"    164439484    191c    4d18    WARNING    CleanControllerImpl    mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::RulesWhiteLister::IsObjectWhiteListedEx    "RulesWhiteLister.cpp"    372    "Unexpected MBStatus 9 while attempting to white list 'C:\USERS\BRIAN\DOWNLOADS\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A5.ZIP'"

    Line 12848: 09/10/24    " 10:27:22.093"    164451062    191c    4d18    WARNING    CleanControllerImpl    mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::RulesWhiteLister::IsObjectWhiteListedEx    "RulesWhiteLister.cpp"    372    "Unexpected MBStatus 9 while attempting to white list 'C:\USERS\BRIAN\DOWNLOADS\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A5-SIGNED.ZIP'"

    Line 13121: 09/10/24    " 10:27:48.401"    164477359    191c    4d18    WARNING    CleanControllerImpl    mb::cleanctlrimpl::whitelist::RulesWhiteLister::IsObjectWhiteListedEx    "RulesWhiteLister.cpp"    372    "Unexpected MBStatus 9 while attempting to white list 'C:\USERS\BRIAN\DOWNLOADS\ASSETSONAR-WINDOWS-AGENT-SETUP-X86-BH-A4.ZIP'"



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         "mainTrace": {
            "ImpersonationSid": "",
            "archiveMember": "OcsService.exe",
            "archiveMemberMD5": "2BC1AC57C9D488CDCB4E653C3A88EA27",
            "cleanAction": "quarantine",
            "cleanContext": {
            "cleanResult": "notStarted",
            "cleanResultErrorCode": 0,
            "cleanTime": "",
            "generatedByPostCleanupAction": false,
            "hubbleRequestErrorCode": 0,
            "id": "ae3c0f20-6f99-11ef-918f-1cce518477ea",
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            "objectSize": 5825576,
            "objectType": "file",
            "resolvedPath": "C:\\Users\\brian\\Downloads\\AssetSonar-Windows-Agent-Setup-x86-BH-A4.exe",
            "rtpEventType": "other",
            "suggestedAction": {
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               "verifyResolvedPath": true,
               "whitelistCheckError": false
            "uploadToBTOC": true,
            "winVerifyTrustResult": {
               "expectedError": false,
               "lastErrorCode": 0,
               "wvtCalled": true,
               "wvtResult": 0
         "ruleID": 1246570,
         "ruleString": "00000000000000000000084D",
         "rulesVersion": "1.0.89033",
         "srcEngineComponent": "dds",
         "srcEngineThreatNames": [
         "threatID": 1000001,
         "threatName": "Malware.Heuristic.2125"


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It is not a Static detection, it is a code based logical presumption or "heuristic" rationalized detection.

I loosely use the analogy;  if it walks like a duck, and squawks like a duck then it must be a duck.

As one can see there are holes in the logical approach.  But it is the first step in logical deductive malware detection reasoning.

Since malware evolves and changes over time with numerous variations created by the hour, there has to be some kind of 1st level malware detection heuristic as a tripwire type detection.

Unfortunately it may result in a False Positive detection because it really wasn't a duck alliterate.



A heuristic[1] or heuristic technique (problem solving, mental shortcut, rule of thumb)[2][3][4][5] is any approach to problem solving that employs a pragmatic method that is not fully optimized, perfected, or rationalized, but is nevertheless "good enough" as an approximation or attribute substitution.[6][7] Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution.[8][9] Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.[10][11][12]


Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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Thank you David - I agree and appreciate the insight.  In this case, software which looks a lot like existing Open Source products might well be worth investigating further.  This is a digitally signed package, but not with an EV Certificate - so that would also be part of the equation.

Are you part of the MalwareBytes team?


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