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Dear Support,
WHY oh WHY do Malwarebytes make it so difficult to figure out how to REMOVE a website it has found malicious and blocked it?
This is a previously absolutely fine website for Over 12 months Malwarebytes has ALLOWED access to it FINE, but suddenly and quite annoyingly it
has suddenly decided this website is malicious?
And - for the life of me I cannot find way to STOP Mbytes to remove it from this block?
Yes I have added it to the ALLOW List but to NO avail?

* Please can you help me and tell me the step by step FULL Instructions on How to STOP MBytes 
   from blocking this website? This site is = https://bitstockm.org/

* I would further add to the Malawarebytes Organisation they MUST Help make their product a LOT SIMPLER
   to use? 
* At present - a lot of things are NOT planned and laid our properly and in an EASY to find manner
* This is confusing and NOT helpful to us at all
* Please MAKE this a LOT SIMPLER the whole lay out can be with menus and simple yet it is not.
*** It is seriously very frustrating !

* Please kindly help me with = Please can you help me and tell me the step by step FULL Instructions on How to STOP MBytes 
   from blocking this website? This site is = https://bitstockm.org/

Thank You so Much


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No, sorry - I cannot even find where this block is?
This is one of my complaints about MBytes = it is not easy to use product

I know where the ALLOW List is and this website is on the ALLOW List okay
The only one I could find is one that says = "Malicious sites blocked" but this website does not appear on this list
This website is =  https://bitstockm.org/
see the image


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Ok Thanks but How do I add this "You can always add the domain to the allow list if you trust it." ?

I have already added these 2 below to the Allow list earlier = see allow list image, but still it blocks it? why?

1= bitstockm.org/join/login
2= bitstockm.org/


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yes I can see all the links but I have been able to withdraw ok in the past and friends have withdrawn ok as well
so maybe it is not all complete scam?
I don't understand why some are saying scam?
yet others are saying not a scam as able to withdraw fine?
ok thanks for the links

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7 minutes ago, amdm88 said:

How can I allow this site to be viewed and accessed despite the scam alerts?

At the time you first posted this, Malwarebytes was not blocking the site. You must have another program blocking this site.

But as the staff has said it WILL be added to the Malwarebytes block list.

When adding sites, you need in many cases the site and the IP.


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