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Ip/website blocked, need help


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Hello, sorry for the translator. Recently installed Malwarebytes, everything was fine, but yesterday, suddenly, when I was sitting in my browser Malwarebytes blocked the site, the ipi my browser, firefox, was trying to connect to(?). At this point, I was just sitting on youtube, not climbing any sites. I have a lot of tabs, but they are not active. Just to remind you, I haven't had any more notifications like this all this week. Before that I did a full scan of all files, with rootkit scan enabled, there were no threats, including in the firefox folder. I do not understand what this IP, I could only google that it is some Russian potentially malicious IP address, it scared me. What do I do?
P.S. I checked AdwCleaner, it didn't show anything.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Снимок экрана 2024-09-09 133139.png

Malwarebytes Website Blocked Report 2024-09-08 194145.txt

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10 minutes ago, JPopovic said:


This IP is blocked due to RDP attacks. It is not clear how the computer contacted it, but based on everything you said, I would say that you have nothing to worry about and that your system is safe.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for your reply. Sorry, I have anxiety issues, is there anything else I can do to keep my computer safe? Just maybe it contacted me before I had antivirus, maybe it will contact me later if I use the free version.

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