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[ RESOLVED ] How do I reinstall my NEVER EXPIRE license on PC after Win O/S reinstall

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I had to reinstall the Windows O/S on my laptop and now I am trying to reinstall, on the same PC, my Malware Bytes Premium NEVER EXPIRE license.
I downloaded the [.exe] file and proceeded to set up but the app is telling me... " device limit exceeded"

I don't want to 'remove' my PC from the list in 'mymalwarebytes' website because its the same PC. What should I do to restore my license?



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1 hour ago, BeeGeemb said:

I don't want to 'remove' my PC from the list in 'mymalwarebytes' website because its the same PC.

When you reinstall the OS, it becomes a new device even though it is the same one. https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/11508773797267-Transfer-your-subscription-to-a-different-device

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Well, I DID remove my PC from the list and it worked.

I also had a old notebook [Windows 7 base] with a NEVER EXPIRE license on it. It was my husbands' and had a separate license.

I had to remove that PC from the list too. That PC had a NEVER EXPIRE license as far back as 2010.
Will I be able to reinstall that license to that PC?

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4 minutes ago, BeeGeemb said:

I had to remove that PC from the list too. That PC had a NEVER EXPIRE license as far back as 2010.
Will I be able to reinstall that license to that PC?

I should reactivate itself. If not you can do it in the online account.

Edited by Porthos
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My husbands' old Asus PC has no issues with its Malware bytes and must have, as you said, reactivated itself. Works fine!

Thanks for your help Porthos!

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