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False positive - hanabi.so

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One of our users has report that our website, hanabi.so, was reported for phishing. We are an established Solana validator with our own website at the URL quoted above, a quick google search using the keyword "Hanabi Staking" multiple matches mentioning us. Specifically, we've listed our website on the stakewiz.com result, which fetches the information they display from the Solana blockchain. Please have our website removed from your blocklists, thanks!

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One of our users has reported that our website, hanabi.so, was reported for phishing. We are an established Solana validator with our own website at the URL quoted above, a quick google search using the keyword "Hanabi Staking" should return multiple matches mentioning us. Specifically, we've listed our website on the stakewiz.com result, which fetches the information they display from the Solana blockchain. Please have our website removed from your blocklists, thanks!

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