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What's the "best" location sharing software?


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  • wife has an Apple phone,
  • I have an Android (I'm an old UNIX kinda guy),
  • we use Windows on our laptops,
  • both of us are over 70, but I still sell real estate,
  • would like to keep my wife advised of where I am and where I have recently been.

It seems that there are several tools, but so far nothing that I've found that is seamlessly automatic fills the bill. I think my wants are simple:

  1. real time location,
  2. ability to send an emergency alert,
  3. automatic notification on receiver's phone of an alert sent by the other party,
  4. automatic transmission of lat/long data every few minutes,
  5. automatic inactive status when in predefined locations (i.e. app should sleep when I'm at home or the office).

Hopefully, another Malwarebytes user or technician has seen this wish-list before and can make some personal observations. Looking forward to your suggestions...

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Malwarebytes is an anti malware and deals with personal and corporate cyber security.

It is actually counterproductive and diminishes one's personal security to share one's location.

As someone who states thy are at least a septuagenarian, you must realize that you are in a targeted age group and are more susceptible to scams. You should take take measures to protect your selves and your privacy and not look to software that may leave you exposed to both physical and cyber scams and crimes.


For example, have you checked your email addresses for being part of any breaches ?


Edited by David H. Lipman
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Thanks Dave, however keep in mind that I am a Malwares user, have been for years, just finished reading their short dissertation on location sharing for individuals, and a 37 year career in I.T. engineering and implementation (which I didn't mention in my original post).

The biggest reason I've asked this community is because of the members awareness of I.T. security and the threats we all face. It may be a wrong assumption, but I thought a like-minded member might have drilled down on this issue before and have a good suggestion that would do what I'm wanting while providing better than open-market security.

Still eager to see responses... 

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Unless one of the couple suffers from some sort of dementia, I can't see a salient reason to to know exactly where one spouse is all the time.

If you both carry Smart Phones, the data is there via GPS and Cellular Triangulation data, just in case.  Do you really need Real-Time knowledge ?

Such software that is keeps track is a kind of Stalkerware and Malwarebytes has taken a strong stance against Stalkerware.

Please reference;  How to protect against stalkerware, a murky but dangerous mobile threat

BTW:  Did you check your your email addresses at HIBP ?

Edited by David H. Lipman
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Yes, real time data is very important. We had a Realtor(r) that was meeting a couple to show a property, attacked by the couple, thrown in the trunk of their stolen car, and then killed (or died from the attack) here in Arkansas a few years ago. Our office recommends that agents go in pairs if there is the slightest bit of doubt about safety, and I've accompanied a few in the past. As I've aged, my threat radius has increased, so I may never need to use the tracker feature. However, "now" only happens when "never" is the plan. I'm hoping that someone in the Malwarebytes forum has experience with some apps and can recommend a secure and functional product. I'm not going to pull one from an app-store and try it out; that's just asking for trouble.

It may become impossible for a victim to retain a cell phone for tracking, which is why I would like to have the emergency alert feature. As far as I can tell, cell triangulation is a useful tool 2 or 3 days after the person goes missing, but is not available real-time to family members or authorities without a court order.

Yes, I've used the tools (links) that Malwarebytes circulated to scan the web for my and my wife's personal information, and my professional data. The data that was returned appears to all be old phone numbers or old email addresses, none of which are still in use. I also use reputable credit monitoring service(s). This location service is the last thing on my list to implement as it is the least likely to actually be needed.

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Thank you @ZeroGee

I totally understand your concerns.  You have described a scary scenario indeed.  The question is was that a one-off case or was there a serial marauder on the loose?

Unfortunately if one stands out as easy prey, and does not have Situational Awareness, they can become victimized. Both in the physical world and in Cyber space.

Obtaining an Air Tag or similar device, external to a Smart Phone, may be work in a both an innocuous and inconspicuous fashion and give you the piece of mind you seek.

Edited by David H. Lipman
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The Realtor(r) incident here in Arkansas was a one-off case and was in Little Rock. The perps were simply trying to make a big score and thought she had a lot of resources because of many common misconceptions. When she wasn't "hostagable" they took her out into the countryside, may have killed here there, and just dumped her. The Arkansas Realtor Association has an entire safety program built around this particular incident, and many other states have similar problems. I haven't seen recent numbers, but I believe the average is around 1 victim every 2 months (6 per year). There is a safety brief in our national trade magazine almost every month.

I've looked into air tags as part of the Life360 program, but are those bluetooth connected - I'm not sure how they work when not near a properly equipped cellphone. They could be part of the solution, but I don't know of anyone who actually uses them. Lots of ads tout their features, but an equal number of FB posts say they are not worth carrying around. I see lots of "sizzle"  but then the product isn't steak, but rather bologna.

BTW, you are 100% correct about situational awareness. I've been a pilot for over 53 years and instructed for more than a few. SA is the most difficult skill to teach I've ever come across, but it is the most important to have.

Thanks for your time and knowledge, and if you have any personal experience with air tags I'd like to read about it.

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28 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:

Thank you @ZeroGee


Obtaining an Air Tag or similar device, external to a Smart Phone, may be work in a both an innocuous and inconspicuous fashion and give you the piece of mind you seek.


I have considered this for my dad.

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