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Windows Profile Question...


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This week, my notebook is having an issue.

Twice, I have logged in to Windows XP PRO (SP3) and was told...

"Your profile cannot be located. A temporary profile will be used instead.

Any modifications you make to this temporary profile will be deleted upon reboot."

When I reboot Windows XP PRO (SP3), it usually finds my profile without any issues.

There are some indications via google that this may be a *new* kind of virus.

I am thinking this may be a hard drive issue.

What do you guys think ?

HJT and MBAM have done complete scans and they come up clean.

AVG IS 9.0 also comes up with a clean scan.

Any further suggestions ???


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  • Root Admin

Not finding profiles on boot up should be VERY rare. If you continue to get it you've got something going on preventing it from loading the hives properly.

If this is XP please try running the following.

You may have corrupted files on your disk. Please try running the following.

First close ALL Applications as this routine will automatically restart your computer.

Click on START - RUN and copy / paste the following entry into the box and click OK


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