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Here is some information beta testers may want to know. When MBAM is released, the Malwarebytes team will take a look at how often the public participated. We will classify beta testers by two categories.

1. Active participaters

2. Passive participaters

Active participaters will receive a free copy of MBAM, while passive participaters will receive a 50% off coupon code. To become a passive participater, all you have to do is sign up for the beta program. To become an active participater, you have to report feedback to the forums and help out in other ways (which many of you are doing and have already earned your free code). I am very generous, if you participated and I have seen it, you will probably receive a free code.

Now that that has been said, let's move on to business. MBAM is expected to be released before the new year begins. We need your help! MBAM has been leaked to the public. While it's there, tell us what you think about it. Vote and write reviews about it at these sites:


http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Malwa...re/1186760019/1 (you have to register first)

Thanks to everybody for helping out so much!

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Hi Marcin, JeanInMontana, Tarun, hi everyone,

Regarding the speed, when I report my tests, I display the number of objects by minute.

I agree that the speed increased and that MBAM is a great tool! B)

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