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I had a couple of Trojans that keep returning even after a Hard disk wipe and reinstall of W11 and reflash BIOS. It seems that W11 download PDF files from my outlook.com free mail account and saves them on your hard disk without your approval when you install W11 with an online account. The solution is to remove the online account from your W11 install. Malwarebytes did not detect this problem. It was detected when I did a full disk scan with Windows Defender.


Here is a sample: Trojan:PDF/Phish!MSR and Trojan Downloader:Win32/Qakbot!ml Not Detected



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It looks like it is an email attachment.

You would have to Permanently Delete that email that has the PDF Phishing attachment.

As a Phish it can not infect your PC.  It is only a risk if you opened that PDF, fell for the scam that it is, and supplied your Credentials to whatever entity that is being "Phished."


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Tips to help protect from infection



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