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chess.com blocked as riskware


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I use chess.com pretty much every day, have done for over a year, it's a big website that a lot of people use. Today I tried to access it and it was blocked.


Website blocked due to riskware

Website Blocked: www.chess.com

v2.6.17 | Riskware: 2.0.202402211548

Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this page because it may contain malicious activity.`


Any idea why?

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13 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Could you get a screenshot of the block?

Sadly I can't now, but the reason for this is that it suddenly was no longer blocked. But basically when I typed chess.com into my browser, it instead took me to a page that said what it said in my first post, with the Malwarebytes logo.

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7 hours ago, Porthos said:

It Might of been a typo and blocked the "mis-typed " page. I get no block.

I did check for typos, there was definitely not one. My current theory is that it was blocking the entire page because of an ad on that page that was suspicious--and obviously trying again later there'd be different ads? I never see ads since I have ublock, but there have occasionally been complaints of malicious ads on the site's forums.

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