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Fresh installed PC but possibly still malware

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I reinstalled my PC completely and cleaned my drive fully (and diskpart clean and reassigned drives) and reinstalled windows fully, but still wonder if there is any malware around still. 

I now see a Malwarebytes icon on the bottom right of my main monitor and cannot get it away. I reset and disabled all notification settings (there was none since new install). 

It also installs everything in a Public Account location and I just noticed that there is a Library from 2022 and the Public Desktop (which is my own current desktop apparently) is hidden and some Unknown account is on there. 


Is this anything to be worried about?

Attached for the pictures and the scan results, any help or clarification would be appreciated!

Best regards,



Weird account.png


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1 hour ago, Tiespo said:

and the Public Desktop (which is my own current desktop apparently) is hidden and some Unknown account is on there. 

This is normal and expected. I have the same on my Win 11 install.

1 hour ago, Tiespo said:

It also installs everything in a Public Account location and I just noticed that there is a Library from 2022

Since you are logged into your one drive that is expected as well.

1 hour ago, Tiespo said:

I now see a Malwarebytes icon on the bottom right of my main monitor and cannot get it away.

I suggest a few things.


Please make the following change in Malwarebytes if you're using the Premium or Trial version

  • Please open Malwarebytes. Click on the small gear icon to open the Settings and go to the Security tab.
  • Then turn off "Always register Malwarebytes in the Windows Security Center"
  • Restart the computer


Also, recommend turning off rootkit scanning as well.

Scanning in rootkit mode does eliminate some whitelisting. It should only be used if there is an infection that Malwarebytes can't remove from normal scan mode. 

I also suggest removing AD block from both browsers and using Ublock Origin instead.

Edited by Porthos
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