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I tested, and it is not so good

Currently if you have main program and extension, when a site is blocked by MBG then you click "continue to site", follow a main program block, and main program only has option to block or add exception


If click at MBG option continue to site without check no ask again, main program also should allow the site once

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but it's not implemented that way and there are many options that would need to be considered. A web page and an extension do not have the rights to make such modifications to other running programs (that's a good thing for security)


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Then if have Malwarebytes Browser Guard, should disable web shield at main program to allow the button "continue to site" work as intended?

I mean, as I use that button when download ebooks for my mom, that as is expected, as are EPUB not legally purchased, some of them, at end are hosted at download sites, you know, those sites known for piracy and popentially used to host other not so inocent tools (sites blocked by malwarebytes databases)

Or at least the main program block page also should have an option to continue to site without need to add exception

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  • Root Admin

It would if it's blocked for other reasons not related to real malware it would let you continue on your merry way.

If it's also included in the main Malwarebytes program then it will trigger MB alert block if you try to go forward as you've seen.

Basically it's doing its job correctly. If not in MB main and you want to bypass it will let you. If it is in the main program then you better really be sure it's safe and you will need to exclude in the main program.


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