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I've read various things online some suggesting there is some sort of malware/virus and others saying basically that it's nothing to bother about. 

Malwarebytes and Microsoft Defender Antivirus - do they play well together or is there something else going on?

Is Malwarebytes switching something off or changing something that Microsoft Defender doesn't like? Or is this a serious issue that needs attention? 

Malwarebytes doesn't find anything. I have Real-Time Protection turned on for Web Protection, Malware Protection, Ransomware Protection, Exploit Protection. 

Has anyone from Malwarebytes commented on this? I'd like to get to the bottom of the problem and fix it. 

If anyone else has had this problem and actually fixed it please let me know what you did. Thanks in advance.

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  • Root Admin

It is simply a setting. Microsoft added it to Windows 10 in a later build. In earlier builds it was not present.

Before Malwarebytes could register in the Security Center and not trigger the alert. About a month ago give or take a few weeks, Microsoft started flagging our registration.

Do you have a licensed and activated version of Malwarebytes?


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  • Root Admin

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