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Browser Guard generates junk cmd processes in the background via this bug


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Doing the following with the extension enabled will create a cmd process in task manager that does not go away:
- Have a startup/pinned youtube tab on a video
- Open chrome and focus on the youtube tab
- If you close right when the video box appears, a cmd process will appear in task manager
This does not happen with the extension off and it caused me paranoia from time to time
Timing may be different when recreating depending on what extra startup tabs you have, specs etc

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Yet another update, I opened task manager after a while and saw that I've been spammed with windows command processes (which had the same consumption as the ones generated by the browser guard) which slowed down my game. This has only happened while the malwarebytes extension is active, I'll disable it and report on this later if I'm sure it's just been malwarebytes.

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