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Shopify app website blocked (https://filemonk.io)

Go to solution Solved by BjelakovicL,

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We run a Shopify app that lets merchants sell digital products - Filemonk. It appears that when a store's customers try to access the website with Malwarebytes installed, it tells them the website is blocked due to suspicious content. This is the link they tried to access: https://app.filemonk.io/orders/d589ba26-f67d-49c4-9678-ee630c221af7

It appears that the domain is on Malwarebytes' false positives list. Can you get this removed please? We have no suspicious content on the platform, as we routinely run malware checks across all files & digital content. In this specific link, the merchant is selling tools for therapists and it's not a great experience for their customers.

See screenshot from customer. For what it's worth, I also installed Malwarebytes and it didn't get picked up as a potentially malicious domain. Need advise here on next steps. Thanks.


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