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Super long-range Wi-Fi works at a range of 1.8 miles


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Wireless tech company Morse Micro has achieved a new Wi-Fi distance record of 1.8 miles (three kilometers) using the HaLow (802.11ah) standard. While HaLow was originally announced in 2016, its proper implementation is only just starting to pick up steam— and now, Morse Micro is pulling it off in a big way.



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Yes. We will have to see what develops.

This type of Wi-Fi uses the IEEE 802.11ah standard in the 900 MHz-33 centimeter RF band. Some GSM cellphones might still use this band.

Users may be able to enjoy higher quality connections with devices situated at further distances heretofore unachievable.

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  • Root Admin

I'm okay keeping my Wi-Fi within a few hundred feet of my router. Having it broadcast for almost 2 miles would potentially put it within range of thousands of people that might want to try and break into it that would otherwise not even see it.


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Hello @yardbird:

Although nearly 100% of 802.11ah router users would be oblivious to the fact, they share the 902 - 928 MHz band. But you, as a responsible Ham operator, would listen before you pressed the transmit button...


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No.  But imagine a sprawling business compound, campground, campus or other sprawled out enclave.

Very niche.

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and/or grammar
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