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Hi, i have seen a topic this already but it was old and i heared some goosebumps about in the new updates they have been adding some malicious codes into the program. Could anyone check it?

here is the link 




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It really isn't the function of this forum to determine the safety of software.

That being said...

Here is the Virus Total report on the EXE file...

From the report;  First Submission  2023-06-04

It has a low detection count for something being known to Virus Total vendors for ~7 months.  While it does it does not appear to be malicious, I won't categorize it as being "safe."


Please do not Multi-Post as well as please verify you are posting On Topic for a given sub-forum.

  • The False Positive area is not for asking if a software is safe.  It is only if you question when Malwarebytes software detects something you believe to be false.
  • The Forums Announcements & Feedback  area is only if there is something that is specific to the Malwarebytes' Forum such as you want a post moderated or you need assistance with your Forum account.


Edited by David H. Lipman
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You have already asked, in multiple Off Topic Locations, and one query was moved here and it has been answered in General Chat.

If you are worried over this Roblox Account Manager, do not use it.  It is that simple.

Thank you for understanding.


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