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Thoughts on DoomsDay 2025


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This is something i have mentioned in other forums without really seeing much talk of this until recently because people are starting to see the signs. We have known this for a while and i was surprised to enver find any video covering the topic but they are starting to come about recently.

The conglomerate that is computers with Microsoft Having the biggest market share under Tencent, the fact that 2025 is going to bring the biggest E Waste contribution to date.  The stats don't lie Windows is the predominate OS and therefore means many of those computers are going to go straight to the rubbish bin from normies which are the predominate consumer type because most people are normie.

All in the name of security the fact is that we have been computing right up until this very moment without signed code and security at the hardware level on the consumer side. Innovation is great and security too but also the fact that this tech is going to cause a massive E waste issue on some generations of computers that still serve purpose and are still relatively performant.

Gen 8 and windows 11 has the potential to bring in new avenues of control. Attestation sounds like an avenue imo that is going to mean our identities become tied to the computer in ways that are intrusive, with Cryto a means to verify what you did and when you did it.

Minecraft(Microsoft IP) verfining chat logs to computer IP's and banning people from connecting to its services is a very clear precursor of things to come.


The info is out there if you understand the paradgigm and can join the dots. Innovation on one finger security on another but also money and control.

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The 3 year turn around unless its changed means with the current logic that eventually you will have to replace the computer at the same interval...i mean this lightly because it took us 30 years to get this point and with Microsoft the vision is there  early on but they drag it out over years so that ppl become desensecitized or locked in when it comes around with many ppl not even really knowing what is actually happening.

Some of this stuff have been around since vista and 7 but never enforced because it was always optional. We are now entering into the phase where its now not optional if you want to continue to use these things called computers.

Linux sure but we know Windows is tailored having biggest share and the most compat with software.

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  • Root Admin

Perhaps a stretch with 666 but I hear you. However, the writing is on the wall that AI is also going to help usher in more lack of privacy.

I think what you're talking about is coming and though you might be able to slow it some I don't think you'll be able to stop it. Whether it is 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years the future holds zero privacy for everyone in the digital realm.


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Yeah "Trusted computing" is a double edge sword imo. The Minecraft cypto example is one where we are seeing a positive thing used for more nefarious means. Attestation needs TPM so trusted computing is also proving who you are i think in time our identities will be tied to the computer like a passport or drivers license and in some countries slightly off topic they are bringing it in with pron passports now.

The 666 thing was just a strech yeah lol, being silly with that one.

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cyborgs too so lots of it will be when we integrate with the computer on that level then they can lock you down. Sounds scfi sure but i think its not far from reality and these have been in books for years before movies.

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Elon musk has all those talks about AI is going to be a problem but he is also a double edge sword bringing and the spear head of it at the same time, at least he is the poster child for it all. Nuralink just think about what is really happening there. They want the computers an AI in our brains and we all link up to it.

Yeah no thanks we are entering dark times for a while now and 2025 is the cut off line for the new beginnings.  With most of the mass of people concerned about there computer being to slow because it cannot play the newest game. Its a blind sighted venture and many ppl are lapping it all up without questioning the future ramification while on the other hand the average consumer has no idea of the potential things to come which is most users.  

imo Elon is a fraud.

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Doomsday is recurring Human Theme with Doomsday Cults taking them to heart such as Aum Shinrikyo and Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh as well as Jim Jones and the People's Temple.

  • Y2K was a nothing burger.
  • The Aztec Calendar apocalypse of 2012 was also a nothing burger.  However, the 2012 movie directed by Roland Emmerich starring John Cusack was phun to watch though.  Cool special effects!
  • Ron Paul's economic apocalypse was just another example. 

All just recent events.  But it is a recurring Human Theme throughout history.

2025 Doomsday?  I don't think so.

Take notes from the past and learn history's lessons.  Hindsight is 20/20 vision and one will have greater clarity.


Doomsday Cults



Edited by David H. Lipman
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it was just a generalization where i didn't know what to call it lol. Dooms day feels appropriate because that is what is to come they sweep a whole bunch of computers from the landscape when 2025 comes causing an Ewaste issue probably the biggest net of computers to date but its also the begging of a multifaceted system that is already in place.

Any computer enthusiast that enjoys computers already dislikes that hard line in the sand anything post FSB on the motherboard is still relative and since around 3rd to 4th gen are still plenty of compute power for many demographics. I am typing this on 1st gen which can do surprising well in most real word workloads it just looks slow on paper. it is showing its age in some areas but it can still perform a lot. I can still do 3d cad work nd 3D it just struggles with some rendering mainly real time of course.

The real elephant in the room is that this is all going to lead to places that most average users are not aware of until it happens. Any expert on the forums here should know the other stuff that has been mentioned is a potential valid scenario. the signs are out there we are in for pretty dark time ahead imo. This could be another 30 years to take full effect but probably not the precursor stages are going by quite fast.

Why exactly do they want us to have TPM and all the other stuff? for security? yeah must be or maybe really its because very soon things are going to be very controlled.

it will come in as ethical at first so kid safety online and then it will be banking and then it will be online criminal and they will tout it like its for a good thing but then at the same time the rest of us law abiding citizen wont have choice and will be forced in to these systems because everyone will have to follow those rules.

Atm Data and tying that to identity is assumed for the most part but all these requirements that are being forced are leading to a world where the computer knows exactly who you are when you are using it and what you use the computer for. Like the actual computer will know and then any body or organization it reports back to will know who they are dealing with because crypto. TBH there will be full transparency to come which does not sit well with me as someone who tries to follow the rules already but the other ramifications are huge for unethical practices in a world were data mining is a problem.

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i like my online privacy so when that times comes and the computer knows who you are, what you are doing, when you are doing it and everything else about you that is verifed then imo the internet is censored and not free. We are losing a liberty and freedom of choice to the system of control.

The end goal has to be hivemind AI in the brain well we already no its not a good idea if we do the math. Hackers, Virus so why exactly would we want to hook up to that? Nuralink is being shown as a "Ethical" tech to aid blind people but that will not be what it turns out to be.

I like my own brain.

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This could also be a valid scenario if these sorts of things happen, soon a generation of people are none the wiser because they are inside a false reality dictated by the 1% controlling through computers and AI or even to the point that one day we are inside the computer or it is inside us either way.

Cannot make this stuff up because we cannot comprehend stuff that does not exist it also show that history is writing itself or that at least there is prolific people in time with enough knowledge to predict the future. Countless books and movies throughout history have shown us tech before its even viable and then down the road that exact tech comes along.


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