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Installing Node.js version 20.10.0 with chocolatey causes Malwarebytes to block and detect it as an exploit with the following info:

Protection Layer: APT Behavior Protection
Protection Technique: T1003 - Credential Access

Is there a workaround for this?

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Do you have the following enabled in the advanced exploit settings?

If it is on, Turn it off and take note of the warning at the top of the section.


That setting is specific to penetration testing (i.e. not actual threats) so enabling won't really do anything unless the system is tested using third-party testing tools/test exploits.  It is purely for testing purposes to verify that protection is working properly, however, it is not needed for protecting your system from actual malware which is why it is turned off by default.


I hope that helps to clarify things and if there is anything else we might help with please let us know


Edited by Porthos
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