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Malwarebytes failing Citrix Endpoint

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My corporate VPN is not letting me through on my Macbook.  It is saying its due to the AV not being updated.  I'm on the latest version of Malwarebytes.  Any idea what's going on?  It had worked last time I tried it, and it works on my other laptop that is a Windows based Surfacebook. 

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Are you using the consumer Malwarebytes product, or does your employer have our business product deployed to your laptop? If the former, my best guess is that Citrix does not know how to determine whether the consumer product is up-to-date, and use of our consumer product in a business environment is not one that we support.

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I am using the consumer product on my personal Macbook.  My company has a requirement that all personal computers/macs that connect to the corporate VPN through a Citrix Gateway have an active AV program and it runs a scan to validate the strings are updated before allowing access.  Until recently Malwarebytes was passing that check....now its saying my AV program is not up to date.

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