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Domain Blacklisted - has been completely recreated

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We have spent the past few days deploying a new droplet (DigitalOcean) and using a fresh IP, and completely rebuilding a domain that was listed with malware we could not find.

At this point, we have put up a new server.
Built the website anew, used screenshots so we were sure no virus came through with the images, and re-entered the text.
We scanned the computers for the rebuild with Malwarebytes, Avast, and Spybot.

After we were finished, we re-scanned with Wordfence.

We are sure the site is clean.
Now we are trying to get the de-listing/whitelisting/false positive/rescanning done.

Domain is https://path4hosts.com
IP is

The current list is here:

Do you guys have a guide for how to contact everyone on that list...one at a time is taking a long time, and some don't appear to have any delisting available. (I know that sounds like I'm whining, but if there is a more efficient way, please let me know.)

Thank you again




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Thanks for reporting. The block will be removed.

7 hours ago, hubceo said:

Do you guys have a guide for how to contact everyone on that list...one at a time is taking a long time, and some don't appear to have any delisting available. (I know that sounds like I'm whining, but if there is a more efficient way, please let me know.)

We don't. I'm afraid you'll need to contact them one at a time. You can check this link out, maybe there's some useful info for you: https://github.com/yaronelh/False-Positive-Center

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