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OMG.  I am infected.  Scam email tells me so and the link in the message redirects to https://store.malwarebytes.com/342/purl-bundle-aff-1011-20poff?x-clickref=1101lxXvP9W2

Mail headers show that it's not from 625v3daaylqhyl2@875yzalz8g1m8xf.com but rather from info@vice4.menards.com

Someone at Malwarebytes should stop paying this outfit for fraudulent sales lead tactics.  Raw message source follows.  Mkay, bye.

Delivered-To: xxxxxx@gmail.com
Received: by 2002:a05:7010:5ea7:b0:386:4752:7c18 with SMTP id bz39csp601272mdb;
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Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:27:56 -0500
From:  Security.AIert   <625v3daaylqhyl2@875yzalz8g1m8xf.com>
Sender: 6B4XL7EMVEUR@5pt69i9hlvl4ksq34.seragei.uk.com
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Subject: Your System has been infected with ( 706 ) Botnet Malware, and vulnerable to Cyber Attacks #671975296
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Thank you.

There have been multiple recent submissions of spam'd Malwarebytes' Product Renewals and FakeAlerts that are not from Malwarebyts but are from 3rd parties seeking referral monetary gains.

PING @JPopovic

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27 minutes ago, David H. Lipman said:



Thank you.

There have been multiple recent submissions of spam'd Malwarebytes' Product Renewals and FakeAlerts that are not from Malwarebyts but are from 3rd parties seeking referral monetary gains.

PING @JPopovic

Oh, I'm certain of it.  But being in a sales industry myself, I get contacted daily by lead-gen folks and they don't work for free.  The business (me) has to pay for ad-spends or, in this case, pay the lead gen company fees for their work.  Even if Malwarebytes is not aware of the methods used to get leads or simply, in this case, direct leads right to the buy page, Malwarebytes is likely paying for lead gen and this 3rd party is unscrupulous.  Scammers don't work for free to lead marks right to your buy page is what I'm saying.  I think Malwarebytes needs to better vet who they pay for lead gen and discard this organization.  

And here's where I plug a site I've found recently to analyze email headers while trying to consolidate spam filters:  mxtoolbox.  No affiliation, but a free(mium) and useful part of a IT guy's toolbox!

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