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So basically I have designed (with my teammate) an app for the congressional app challenge. It noticed it got flagged on VirusTotal as Malware.AI.405955312. I do know this is an AI flag, but I just want it to be removed as Malwarebytes is indeed quite popular. I do not want a judge to download my app and only to have their anti-virus shouting at them for downloading a virus. (I have already contacted MS to get it cleaned from MS Defender). The code is completely open-source licensed under BSD 3-Clause No-Nuclear (Yes, this is a *real* license https://spdx[.]org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License-2014.html, yes this was also a dare). The code is available on GitHub, with the specific version that I want to be marked as clean being v1_2/v1.2 with a version tag of "2023-10-31.gpc_stable.rc4.v373-rtm" (Yes, my version tag is a joke, I really have no idea how to do version control, I was gonna release it under v369, but I found so many bugs.) 

VT scan-link: https://www.virustotal[.]com/gui/file/28bcd4c625e587e4858e914e92d2ee79a49bebe2a89e6d0d46cb1f171d63f7b9?nocache=1

GitHub release: https://github[.]com/IDoUseLinux/PyQuCryptor/releases/tag/PyQuCryptorv1_2 

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