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Are these .scr screensaver files malware?

Go to solution Solved by David H. Lipman,

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Hi all,

I downloaded some retro Windows screensavers last December from a website called Screensaver Planet. I know very little about computer science and cyber security, so I had no idea .scr files were executables. Last month, Bitdefender picked up on one of these and I posted about it on these forums but the conclusion was that it was a false positive. Malwarebytes didn't flag any of these files. I've since gone and run the rest of them on VirusTotal and some of them were flagged as malware. They're in my System32 folder, in case that makes a difference. I just don't know how probable it is that these are threats given that only one of the nearly 70 vendors flagged these .scr files as malware. I have pasted the virus total results below.



I ran a few as well on a website called hybrid-analysis.com. I don't really know how this website works (again, I am not really savvy with this sort of stuff). Some of the .scr files that were undetected by all Virus Total vendors (0/71) were rated as suspicious or outright malicious by hybrid-analysis.com. The results are pasted below.







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14 hours ago, JK11 said:

I just don't know how probable it is that these are threats given that only one of the nearly 70 vendors flagged these .scr files as malware. I have pasted the virus total results below.

You weigh that ageist the First Submission date.  Both First Submission dates are in 2009.  That indicates that the one Detection by Trapmine for each file is a False Positive declaration.

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