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Pause scan inoperative

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Greetings MilesCh :)

It's possible that it isn't working because of the amount of CPU that is being used by MBAM is scanning. If I may ask, what are your system specs (ie processor, amount of ram etc)?

Believe your guessed it. It's a 6-year old computer with 533Mhz & 1gb rambus. WinXP, SP2, and I can remove some services to gain back a fair amount of ram.

Also I had to go into AVG main panel and deactivate several of it's features -- removing from the taskbar doesn't do it by itself. And this was done prior to running MWB one more time and it was a bit more functional --in fact once the "pause" button was not greyed out and clicked on it and it went into pause and resume.

A brief scan takes 1-1/2 hours to scan 115,000 objects -- is that far too long?

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