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NodeJS/CMD False Positive RTP while whitelisted

Go to solution Solved by Porthos,

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My MBAM is going crazy on my NodeJS/CMD while I even whitelisted the NodeJS folder.
Every time I boot my PC and start VSCode, it deletes my NodeJS installation because it is seen as an "RTP Detection".

It is really annoying having to re-install nodejs every time I boot up my PC and whitelisting the parent folder doesn't help as it still takes action.

I already disabled "Use AI to detect threats" and "Use expert system algos..." and disabled MBAM registration with Windows Security Center as these settings could result in false positives according to some forum posts.

After all, I don't know how to move forward anymore and I'd really just cancel my premium subscription is this can't be resolved fast as it is really annoying.
I never had this before and only encountered this issue after COMPLETELY formatting my PC and reinstalling everything, so an actual virus seems very unlikely to me as it went nuts from day 1 after a clean install.

Hope anyone can help here!

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2 minutes ago, ForumDecomp said:

Hope anyone can help here!

This is a known issue with the exploit protection that should be fixed in a couple of weeks.

3 minutes ago, ForumDecomp said:

Every time I boot my PC and start VSCode, it deletes my NodeJS installation because it is seen as an "RTP Detection".

Until the fix is released you will to disable exploit protection during that process.

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