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CVS Phish


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Please see attachment for a recurring email addressed to my email account requesting me to "Take survey", which I have never done. The emails all contain garbled Re:'s that are different for each email and contain set of garbled names for the sender. Apologies I don't know how to attach a pdf file. I will return. Ray Harpham

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2 things to note,

Malwarebytes does not scan any email.

Malwarebytes does not target script files during a scan.. That means MB will not target; JS, HTML, VBS, .CLASS, SWF, BAT, CMD, PDF, PHP, etc.

It also does not target documents such as; PDF, DOC, DOCx, XLS, XLSx, PPT, PPS, ODF, etc.

It also does not target media files;  MP3, WMV, JPG, GIF, etc.

Malwarebytes will block the execution of files like these only with the anti-exploit module of the paid program.

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Please be aware that this has been circulating for years. You can look it up on the web. It has morphed from foreign email to USA mail, with random consonants in the sender address field, but if you hover 9 times out of 10 it will have an actual name with a Gmail account. Hopefully, it ended up in your spam folder. If not, track this and always make a filter so it stops. This is my original post about this mail ID:1558928 The topic is Strange Spam in English and German.

If you opened it, expected variations to continue in the coming months. Sometimes it waxes, sometimes it wanes. Like certain viruses, it's here to stay.

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