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Exclusions Not Working?

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Hello, before I uninstall MalwareBytes and I have a lifetime license which was purchased years ago. 

Can someone please tell me how I get the Exclusions to work for me. Even though I add the website(s) to my Exclusion list. The notification still comes up which is rather annoying and frustrating as my software cannot connect to the update server(s) as MalwareBytes blocks the connection.

Same applies for some websites I visit. MalwayreBytes will not let me visit some websites until I exit the program.  I have tried disabling these protecion features temporarily but still it blocks me from visitng the site(s). The only way I can visit such sites is by exiting the program.

These has been a long on going issue for me. But only of late I have had enough of this behaviour and hence my first post. Hoping that something can done or the prorgam can be fixed before I uninstall it and go with a competiors product.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thank you.



Kind regards,


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58 minutes ago, CybaGirl said:

The notification still comes up which is rather annoying and frustrating as my software cannot connect to the update server(s) as MalwareBytes blocks the connection.

The software from that site is garbage and has the potential to screw up the computer.

If you are willing to take that risk,

Allow an application to connect to the Internet

To prevent Malwarebytes for Windows from blocking an application you trust, add the application executable.

  1. Click Allow an application to connect to the Internet.
  2. To find the application, click Browse.
  3. Select the application executable you want to add, then click Open.
  4. Click Done to confirm your changes.


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