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Turning off the notification bubble?!

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So I looked, and I can't find an answer on how to shut off the notifications, whenever an IP is blocked. It happens often enough, that it's becoming really annoying, and no options in my Taskbar, MalwareBytes, or otherwise is letting me turn this off, unless I turn off IP Protection (which is obviously the wrong way to go about this).

What am I missing? Or is it not possible to turn this off yet. If so, PLEASE fix this soon, I'm going insane. T_T

Thanks - Mike

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Hello Yasai, Welcome to Malwarebytes.org

Give this a read, follow the prompts in post 4 and install mbam_ip_policy_shortcuts.zip, after installing/reboot you can also go to Start > Programs and right clic Malwarebytes and the IP context menu will open, clic the option needed.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

If you apply the policy in the registry as shown it will not show you any bubble.

1) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | silentipmode

Description: With a DWORD value of 1, the protection module will block and log IPs silently.

If you don't like the feature and want to disable it then use this one.

3) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware | disableipblocking

Description: With a DWORD value of 1, IP blocking will be permanently disabled (cannot be toggled).

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  • 3 weeks later...
@ b12 -

Some people requested an item like this :) - As you have been shown it can be easily disabled if you wish to - :)

The function is for the many bad sites - We are sorry that some good sites use the same IP address as some bad ones -

But it is for general safety on line -

Is the block IP a "worthy" feature? Is it better to disable it, or just disable the notification?


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@ JohnDaddyo

Absolutely, its a wonderful feature. I back up what Exile said :)

Also, like Exile, I leave the notifications and everything on (no silent IP block either) because I like to know when something is getting blocked :) But if you don't want to know when something is blocked and would prefer to not have the bubble show, that's your choice and there is a way to change it so it won't show and you still get the excellent IP protecting feature :)

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