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for about a month now, nearly every single time i turn my computer on malwarebytes will block (supposedly) malicious ip addresses. i'm not particularly sure if it's a false positive, but it will block it even when i'm on google or i don't even have firefox opened. i've run multiple scans and there is no infection. the list of ip addresses it has blocked is as follows: (ctrlaltdel-online.com)

the pop ups are pretty random, except on certain sites (which i've listed next to it in parentheses). the ip addresses beginning with 212 are the most random and appear the most often.

i'm just trying to figure out what exactly is going on and what i can do to stop it. i was wondering if it was a virus that malwarebytes doesn't recognize?


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for about a month now, nearly every single time i turn my computer on malwarebytes will block (supposedly) malicious ip addresses. i'm not particularly sure if it's a false positive, but it will block it even when i'm on google or i don't even have firefox opened. i've run multiple scans and there is no infection. the list of ip addresses it has blocked is as follows: (ctrlaltdel-online.com)

the pop ups are pretty random, except on certain sites (which i've listed next to it in parentheses). the ip addresses beginning with 212 are the most random and appear the most often.

i'm just trying to figure out what exactly is going on and what i can do to stop it. i was wondering if it was a virus that malwarebytes doesn't recognize?


Hello and welcome to the forums.

The alert indicates that an malicious IP was prevented from loading onto your system. No action is required unless you're also experiencing malware symptoms.

Please see the link below which contains our FAQ's(including reporting false\positives) on this feature for more information:


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Hello and welcome to the forums.

The alert indicates that an malicious IP was prevented from loading onto your system. No action is required unless you're also experiencing malware symptoms.

Please see the link below which contains our FAQ's(including reporting false\positives) on this feature for more information:



thanks for the reply! however, i was also wondering what might it mean if the bubble pops up and i'm not doing anything on the machine (in the faqs, it says that if such a thing happens, it suggests i have my machine looked at.) does it mean something's wrong with my computer?


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