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Dear Malwarebytes Team.


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Dear Malwarebytes team, please, please, please increase the maximum allowed auto update frequency time from it's current allowed maximum of 6 hours to 24 hours or even 48 hours. So we have the option to use a longer interval auto update frequency if needed.

Many of us need you to do this as the operational data cost of Malwarebytes on Android has increased now. I understand that the recent large date consumption bug has since been fixed, and that is great. But the app does have a higher data consumption now, even with it running normally. I have watched the app for about 3 weeks now. And I can confirm it's database and app version has been up to date the whole time. However it's data usage with every database check is around and average of 100MB, regardless of whether it actually downloads a revision to the database. Now this is fine, I completely understand that some apps are just going to use more data to operate that others, that's perfectly understandable.

However for some users that have lower data plans and can't always just supplement it with wifi, this average 100MB can add up quick. For example, i'm on a 20GB plan. So for me 100MB every 6 hrs = 400MB a day - and 400MB x 28 days in a month (average) = 11.2GB. So that's already half of my data plan used just to ping the Malwarebytes servers to check for updates.

So this means that if I want to use the app - which I do, because i've always found Malwarebytes to be the most reliable for detection and prevention - the only way I can feasibly do so now is to just disable auto updates entirely, and hope that I remember to manually update it occasionally myself - which kinda defeats the point really.

So yea, an option for a longer auto update frequency time would make a big difference for many of us on lower data plans. Please, please consider adding such an option.

Thank you.


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