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There was logic added such that the Window remembers the user selected size and position across opening/closing it. :) 

If you drag the corner and resize the window to a smaller size, you should see it re-opening to that size.

Please let us know if this is not the case, in case there's a bug around this new behavior.

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1 hour ago, Phxflyer said:

I started a post about this topic not seeing this post was here.

Every time i open MB the window reverts back to a larger window and does not maintain the sizing I set. For me, it's way too big the way it is.

Same issue here. The right side of the window is always off the screen, at least the X is. My screen resolution is 1920X1080 and running Windows 11.

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10 hours ago, icolcear said:

@Phxflyer Can you please provide some info about your OS, number of monitors, and monitor resolution please? :) 

Win 11, 1 27 inch monitor, 2560x1440

I'm seeing the same problem now as Soozy with the Window opening partially off screen right. Still doesn't stay at smaller screen size that I shrink it to.

Edited by Phxflyer
correct monitor size
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  • Staff

Hello again,

I can confirm, this is a bug, and was introduced in

We started working on it, and it seems like a Windows API is misreporting some size/position values under some circumstances.

It would really help us out to narrow it down more, if @brad03 you could provide OS, number of monitors, and monitor resolution, and resolution scaling %, and @Phxflyer @Soozy if you could provide your resolution scaling %. 

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7 hours ago, icolcear said:

Hello again,

I can confirm, this is a bug, and was introduced in

We started working on it, and it seems like a Windows API is misreporting some size/position values under some circumstances.

It would really help us out to narrow it down more, if @brad03 you could provide OS, number of monitors, and monitor resolution, and resolution scaling %, and @Phxflyer @Soozy if you could provide your resolution scaling %. 

My resolution scaling is 115%.

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9 hours ago, icolcear said:

Hello again,

I can confirm, this is a bug, and was introduced in

We started working on it, and it seems like a Windows API is misreporting some size/position values under some circumstances.

It would really help us out to narrow it down more, if @brad03 you could provide OS, number of monitors, and monitor resolution, and resolution scaling %, and @Phxflyer @Soozy if you could provide your resolution scaling %. 


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