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But as it's now mid-summer then technically (astronomically) summer is already half over.

Which means spring must have ended a month and a half ago. 3 months for each season.

Our perceptions of the seasons are often at odds with what the astronomical calender says, because the seasons lag behind the astronomy.

The hottest months are always after mid-summer because the Earth has had time to absorb the heat radiation falling on it.

That's a different, older, meaning of global warming - and cooling, January is usually colder than December in the Northern hemisphere. It's the other way round South of the equator of course.

Edited by nukecad
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  • Root Admin


I can promise you that the heat of summer has come here on the West Coast of the USA around the same months every year of my life based on real experience, with or without the blessing of the astronomical calendar.

The hot season lasts for 3.6 months, from May 31 to September 16 according to weatherspark



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Kind of like KiteBoarding but not exactly the same. Banana boating, Skiing, Wake boarding, Snorkeling, (I'm Advanced SCUBA certified, but did not go as no one else in the family was certified back then except me) Swimming, not sure what they call it but Parachuting lift by boat pull.

Wanted to do some cave boating but wife was afraid.


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42 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

I'm Advanced SCUBA certified,

Well, well, well! Fun fact, in late 90's I took a beginning scuba course. Yikes!

Yes, that waterproof housing is $$$-checked it out previously and hello! You'd need a slew of things.

48 minutes ago, AdvancedSetup said:

Parachuting lift by boat pull.


I vote with your wife on the cave boating, spelunking etc. Nope.


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31 minutes ago, NewTricks said:

I vote with your wife on the cave boating, spelunking etc. Nope.

I've done that.  I love visiting caves and mines.  Both wet and dry.

To name a few...

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Otherwise known as "hard core" but in a good way. Some of these places are scary, just looking at the pictures, never mind DOING it.

The bouldering, the acidic water,the mind blowing scenery. I am now thinking of your boot & shoe inventory. More than Imelda's.

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Discover the Marble Halls of Oregon

Deep within the Siskiyou Mountains are dark, twisting passages that await your discovery.  Eons of acidic water seeping into marble rock created and decorated the wondrous “Marble Halls of Oregon.” Join a tour, get a taste of what caving is all about, and explore a mountain from the inside and out!

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