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I'm new to this forum but i noticed that there is alota help here...and i have a few questions as well..

So i have a trojan/virus called Trojan.Zlob, i checked that thread already in this forum, but i couldnt find any of the files, the only program that could detect it so far is Panda Security, which identified it as Zlob.kh, with the destination:

I need help removing this virus/trojan but im unsure of the programs im about to download like malwarebytes and what it can do (due to the previous programs ive tried...), can someone explain to me exactly what malwarebytes does and this program called Win32kDiag which can apparently remove my trojan does as well?

As well some symptoms is that...i couldnt scan with mcafee, trojan remover as well XoftSpy couldnt detect it...

i downloaded the virus through here http://0downs.com/?p=364 cause i was trying to get a key generatr...which was just plain stupid now that i look at it...

in the meantime, what could i do to stop the virus from spreading through my laptop?

Help is appreciated

thanks alot!


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