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LGG8ThinQ is 3 years old-showing signs of EOL. Woke up to find phone in SAFE MODE, which has never happened. (Didn't even know it HAD a safe mode). Disabled safe mode, restarted multiple times, hoping that life would return to it's predictable contours. Nope. My widgets are gone. A long press on the home screen says: "To allow apps and widgets to be rearranged or removed, go to settings, display, home screen.

Home screen choices, Home (shows all apps on the home screen) Home with Separate Apps list (shows apps on a separate screen from the home screen Easy Home (Shows a simple layout with a large font size.

Pleeeeezze God, send someone who knows!


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  • Root Admin
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The last time I messed with a battery in a device, I accelerated its demise. 

I like the idea of rice though....

This "task killer" event has happened twice in 2 weeks, but don't know what it means. Or even if the Dontkillmyapp is legit or not. In cahoots with Accu battery?

Bottom line, I'll stick with the LG until a critical function stops working. The only widget I wanted was the clock. You know I don't like to wear those glasses!




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With each day that goes by, I'm learning "lost widgets" is the tip of the iceberg. My app icons are frozen on screen. 

I've thought of a hard reset. Not my first choice, but maybe unavoidable.

If I put my phone as is in a bowl of rice overnight, without battery removal, would that be harmful or just ineffective?

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