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Android Studio 2022.2.1 fresh install - gradle blocked

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I've run a fresh install of Android Studio 2022.2.1 from the Jetbrains Toolbox, attempting to build the default "hello world" MainActivity.kt app using the default Pixel_3a_API33_x86_64, and encountering the following detection during the build process:


Location: ...\.gradle\caches\transforms\...\aaap2.exe m

"Exploit payload process blocked"

This is on Windows 10.

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Please provide the log with the detection.

You can find Scan and Protection logs within the Malwarebytes 4 program in the following location




RTP stands for Real-Time Protection and is where automatic protection operations would normally be logged




If you click on the View option you should get something similar to the following with other options available.






Thank you


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