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Generally I receive Amazon codes on my phone in less than a minute-flawless until today. The code(s) took 1 hour and 15 minutes to arrive. ???

In the mean time, I searched to see if there was a "down detector" site of sorts for Amazon, and the only thing that came up was how to work around codes that never showed up. Worst case scenario, scanning Government ID and waiting for their response.

I don't think so!  Within my results was a suggestion to enable the Authenticator (app?) for Amazon, which sounds good to me. The problem is, I can't remember where I saw that or how to do it.


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  • Root Admin

More than likely it's an email server or a router between sites that is or was having the issue





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On 5/30/2023 at 7:11 PM, NewTricks said:

Within my results was a suggestion to enable the Authenticator (app?) for Amazon, which sounds good to me. The problem is, I can't remember where I saw that or how to do it

I think that’s referring to the regular Amazon app for mobile phones, since they built in an Authenticator you can activate and have protect your account.

To use it, you just need to sign into the Amazon app on your phone, and there should be an option within settings to enable it on your phone. After you do that, whenever you attempt to sign in with just the email on any other client, it’ll send a notification to the app, and you can decide from there if you want to sign the device in or not.

I used to use it, but the notifications took too long to arrive, so I switched back to regular 2FA, with codes from another Authenticator app.

It could be better now, or that was just a me issue, but I’m not sure if this method of authentication is truly that much safer than 2FA, as I’m sure there are drawbacks to it.

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Thanks @Badran I like to hear from you.

As is, I do have and use the Amazon app on my phone. I also use Amazon's site on my desktop and laptop for Prime Video. For every single log in, I get a SMS AND an email, which is overkill IMO. I've never been a tech person, rather stumbled upon solutions or fixes, not quite knowing how I got there. My primary strategy for problems like delayed codes is to wait and see. After all, watching or buying is not a critical life activity. Periodically I do try to decipher Amazon's settings, which appear to change over time. Maybe it's me, or maybe it's them.

@AdvancedSetup was correct when he said "More than likely it's an email server or a router between sites that is or was having the issue." 

I'm interested to know the name of  "another Authenticator" app. So far, in everyday life, I've used Goggle's and Microsoft's. Amazon appears to use KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). Google Play store returns additional results for Authenticator App rated 4.4 and 2FA Authenticator (2FAS) rated 4.7.

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38 minutes ago, NewTricks said:

Can you give me a screenshot please?

This is Firefox. Be aware you have to not clear the cookies to keep this setting remembered.

If you do not want to keep your cookies, you will need to get a new code each time.


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