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My custom scan has been running 34 minutes and still running Sure obvious to me you have never scanned several badly infected machines at the same time Set them and wait til they shutoff

My custom scan just finished

35 mins 49 secs

Malwarebytes has alot of pointless, useless features to me

Stupid monthly scan that pops up even when turned off

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  • Root Admin

Okay, thank you for the feedback. I thought you specifically meant for a single custom manual type scan.

I will submit your request

I would also offer up that doing a custom scan that is taking more than about 5 to 10 minutes would rarely need to be used. The Threat scan already scans all known launch points and all system areas. Doing say a full disk scan would rarely be needed in my opinion as real time protection should stop it in the first place. However in the case of perhaps something that did pass detection originally even the normal Threat scan the next time around if detections were added would pick it up and remove without doing a full scan.

However, having an option to shut down after any specific scan if wanted would be a nice option.


Thank you


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