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Topic/Thread Lock or Close concern


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I posted a new topic last week. In my opinion, it was rather rudely closed/locked. I had initially stated that I had tried unsuccesfully to install and run both MalwareBytes and HiJack This. Yet, I was provided with other options to attempt before the topic was locked.

I just feel that it would have been a better customer experience to not be lead down a path only to have the topic locked without so much as a good explanation given the previous responses.

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  • Staff


You were told what to do and where to post to continue on with diagnosis. The topic was closed to avoid you posting the logs you were requested to run into that topic.

This is done to assure you get the info posted to the right forum so it does not get over looked by our staff. Sorry you took that as being rude.

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  • Root Admin

You were also offered help through the Helpdesk using email.

We do not work on log in the general forums so you were asked to continue in the HJT forum that is the reason the post was closed, there is no need to continue further in the General forum to assist you with your issue.

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You were also offered help through the Helpdesk using email.

We do not work on log in the general forums so you were asked to continue in the HJT forum that is the reason the post was closed, there is no need to continue further in the General forum to assist you with your issue.

Unlike the responses I received, I apologize. I was offering a suggestion to improve customer service and in an unprofessional manner, the responders decided that CYB was the best response.

It is sad that such a great product is supported in a manner like this.

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Here's the reality of the situation, anyone is allowed to respond to the topics of others in the general forum, meaning you could get advice from someone who's not authorized to deal with malware related issues and their advice could potentially do more harm than good, like making your computer unbootable. If you read the pinned topic here it makes it clear who is allowed to post in the malware removal area of the forum, meaning that if you followed instructions and posted in the appropriate forum, you would receive responses from authorized individuals only. It's actually a matter of trying to protect your PC from further damage and I apologize that that didn't come across.

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